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At The Event Cleaners, we offer comprehensive solutions for sustainably managing event waste.

Pre-Event Consultation and Strategy

During our pre-event consultation, we collaborate with you to understand your event details and needs. Together, we develop effective waste diversion strategies tailored to your event. Our team also assists in implementing these strategies and secures municipal support for your waste diversion program.

To ensure everyone is aligned with the waste diversion process, we organize vendor information sessions. Here, we clarify roles and responsibilities and provide support tools to vendors involved in waste management.

Event Setup and Maintenance

As your event approaches, we take care of setting up waste stations and anti-littering signage. Throughout the event, our dedicated teams maintain cleanliness by regularly changing waste bins and promptly removing litter from the floor. For multi-day events, we ensure nightly garbage changes to leave your event space pristine for the following day.

Post-Event Reporting and Follow-Up

After the event, our consultants prepare a detailed waste diversion report. This report offers insights into the event's environmental impact and serves as a valuable resource for future planning. Additionally, we continue to liaise with municipal authorities to keep them informed about waste diversion efforts and compliance.

These services can be part of the full service waste diversion or stand alone services based on your needs. Please contact us in order to book your free in-person consultation. 

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